Get Started

To use this API, you need an API key. Please contact at nonrzshhbot to get your own API key and manage this.

Send Request

To send a request, make a POST or GET call to the following URL. The response format is JSON:

Service List

Field Type Description
key string Your API key
action string services

Can use this API for all V.2 ex: (Smart panel, SSM, and ...)

Add Order

Field Type Description
key string Your API key
action string add
service integer Service Id
quantity integer Needed quantity Members
link string Channel or Group (Id Or Link)

Example Link: | Id: @WinPanelDrop_Bot

Order Status

Field Type Description
key string Your API key
action string status
order integer Your Order Id

Status can be : In progress, Completed, Partial

User Balance

Field Type Description
key string Your API key
action string balance